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WordPress stack changelog

This is the changelog for WordPress stack deployed via Wodby, for docker4wordpress changes see GitHub releases page.

MariaDB updates

  • We strongly recommend backing up your database before upgrading your application stack if the new version contains MariaDB updates
  • During MariaDB upgrade we run mysql-check and mysql-upgrade. This operation may take a few minutes for big databases


  • ⬆️ Vanilla WordPress 6.5.5
  • ⬆️ PHP 8.3.8, 8.2.20, 8.1.29
  • Nginx:
    • ⭐️ Added 1.27
    • ⬆️ Updated to 1.26.1
    • 🪦 1.25 has reached end of life
    • ⬆️ Upload progress module updated to 0.9.3
    • 🐞 Bugfix: enabling support for google sitemap xml breaks the config
  • ⬆️ OpenSMTPD 7
  • ⬆️ Apache HTTPd 2.4.61
  • ⬆️ Memcached 1.6.29
  • ⬆️ Redis 7.2.5


🐞 Bugfix: zookeeper data was not persistent


  • ⬆️ Vanilla WordPress 6.5.3
  • PHP:
  • Nginx:
  • ⬆️ MariaDB 11.2.4, 11.1.5, 11.0.6, 10.11.8, 10.6.18, 10.5.25, 10.4.34
  • ⬆️ Varnish 6.0.13
  • ⬆️ Apache HTTPd 2.4.59


  • ⬆️ Vanilla WordPress 6.4.3
  • PHP:
    • ⬆️ Updated to 8.3.3, 8.2.16
    • ⭐️ Added imagick extension for PHP 8.3
    • 📧 Mail delivery method changed to msmtp for all versions
    • 🪦 ftp module no longer enabled for PHP 8.3, 8.2
    • 📜 Added PHP_GRPC_ env vars for grpc extension configuration
    • 📜 Changed GRPC ext defaults: enabled fork support, poll strategy set to epoll1, verbosity set to error
  • ⬆️ Nginx 1.25.4
  • ⬆️ MariaDB 10.11.7, 10.6.17, 10.5.24, 10.4.33
  • ⬆️ Redis 7.2.4
  • ⬆️ Memcached 1.6.24


  • ⬆️ Vanilla WordPress 6.4.2
  • PHP:
    • ⭐️ Added PHP 8.3 (no imagick)
    • ⭐️ Added opentelemetry extension
    • ⭐️ GRPC extension returned
    • ⬆️ Updated to 8.3.1, 8.2.14, 8.1.27
    • ⬆️ Updated extensions:
      • xdebug 3.3.1
      • ds 1.5.0
      • apcu 1.5.23
      • mongodb 1.17.1
      • brotli 0.14.2
      • amqp 2.1.1 (from 1.x)
      • ast 1.1.1
      • igbinary 3.2.15
      • smbclient 1.1.1
    • 🛠 PHP extensions libraries now stripped out of debug symbols
    • 🪦 PHP 8.0 has reach end of life
  • 🏔 Alpine Linux updated to 3.19 for most of the images


  • ⬆️ Vanilla WordPress 6.4.1
  • ⬆️ WP CLI 2.9.0
  • Redis:
    • ⬆️ Updated to 7.2.3, 6.2.14
    • 🪦 Version 5 has reached end of life
  • MariaDB:
    • ⬆️ Updated to 10.11.6, 10.6.16, 10.5.23, 10.4.32
    • 🪦 Version 10.9 has reached end of life
    • 🐞 Bugfix: MYSQL_TRANSACTION_ISOLATION had no effect in 10.x
  • ⬆️ Nginx 1.25.3
  • ⬆️ PHP 8.2.12, 8.1.25
  • ⬆️ Varnish 6.0.12
  • ⬆️ Apache HTTPd 2.4.58
  • ⬆️ Webgrind 1.9.3
  • ⬆️ Memcached 1.6.22
  • 📜 OpenSMTPD now has $RELAY_PROTO to change relay protocol
  • 🏔 Alpine Linux 3.18.4


  • ⬆️ Vanilla WordPress 6.3.1
  • PHP:
  • ⬆️ Redis 7.2.1
  • 🪦 Varnish 4 has reach end of life
  • 🏔 Alpine Linux 3.18.4



  • ⬆️ WP CLI 2.8.1
  • PHP:
    • ⬆️ Updated to 8.2.7, 8.1.20, 8.0.29
    • ⭐️ NewRelic extension and agent added to arm64 variants
  • ⬆️ Nginx 1.25.1
  • MariaDB
    • ⭐️ Added new version 10.11
    • 🪦 Versions 10.3, 10.7, 10.8 have reached end of life and will no longer receive updates
    • ⬆️ Updated to 10.9.7, 10.6.14, 10.5.21, 10.4.30


  • ⬆️ Vanilla WordPress 6.2.2
  • ⬆️ PHP 8.2.6, 8.1.19
  • ⭐️ Nginx 1.25, 1.24 added
  • ⬆️ MariaDB 10.9.6, 10.8.8, 10.6.13, 10.5.20, 10.4.29, 10.3.39
  • 🏔 Alpine Linux upgraded to 3.18 for some of the images


  • ⬆️ Vanilla Drupal 10.0.8, 9.5.8, 7.96
  • ⬆️ PHP 8.2.5, 8.1.18
  • ⬆️ Apache HTTPD 2.4.57
  • ⬆️ Redis 7.0.11, 6.2.12
  • 🏔 Alpine Linux upgraded to 3.17.3, 3.16.5


  • ⬆️ Vanilla WordPress 6.2
  • PHP:
    • ⬆️ Updated to 8.2.4, 8.1.17
    • ⬆️ Updated PECL extensions ast 1.1.0, igbinary 3.2.14, mongodb 1.15.1, sqlsrv 5.11.0, xhprof 2.3.9, yaml 2.2.3
    • ⬆️ ODBC libraries updated to
    • 🛠 MS tools binaries now linked to /usr/bin
  • Redis:
    • ⬆️ Updated to 7.0.10
    • 🐞 Bugfix: redis saved to disk even when REDIS_SAVE_TO_DISK was not set
  • ⬆️ Apache HTTPD 2.4.56
  • ⬆️ Nginx 1.23.4
  • 🏔 Alpine Linux upgraded to 3.17.3, 3.16.5


🐞 Incorrect architecture in Alpine Linux



  • ⚠️ This version of stack requires server infrastructure 6.0.0+
  • PHP:
    • ⬆️ Updated to 8.2.2, 8.1.15
    • 📜 Introduced PHP_XDEBUG_USE_COMPRESSION to control xdebug.use_compression
  • Webgrind:
  • ⬆️ MariaDB 10.9.5, 10.8.7, 10.7.8, 10.6.12, 10.5.19, 10.4.28, 10.3.38
  • ⬆️ Apache 2.4.55
  • ⬆️ Redis 7.0.8, 6.2.10
  • 🏔 Alpine updated to 3.17 for MariaDB (10.5-10.9), OpenSMTPD and Nginx


  • PHP:
    • ⬆️ Updated to 8.2.1, 8.1.14, 8.0.27
    • ⬆️ ODBC driver and mstools updated
    • 🐞 Bugfix: opcache preload configuration didn't apply
    • 🐞 Bugfix: locale-related methods not working in PHP 8.2, 8.1
  • ⬆️ Memcached 1.6.18
  • 🏔 Alpine updated to 3.17.1 and 3.16.3


  • PHP:
    • ⭐️ Added PHP 8.2
    • 🪦 PHP 7 has reached EOL and will no longer receive updates
    • ⬆️ PECL extensions updates: apcu 5.1.22, event 3.0.8, igbinary 3.2.12, mongodb 1.15.0, rdkafka 6.0.3, xdebug 3.2.0, xhprof 2.3.8
  • Nginx:
    • ⬆️ Updated to 1.23.3
    • 🐞 Bugfix: web.config endpoint was accessible
  • ⬆️ Redis 7.0.7, 6.2.8
  • ⬆️ XHProf 2.3.9


  • PHP:
    • ⬆️ Updated to 8.1.13, 8.0.26
    • ⬆️ PECL extension xdebug updated to 3.1.6
    • ⚙️ HTTP_PROXY support for direct git integration


  • ⬆️ Vanilla WordPress 6.1.1
  • ⬆️ PHP 7.4.33
  • MariaDB:
    • ⭐️ Added new MariaDB 10.9
    • ⬆️ Updated to 10.8.6, 10.7.7, 10.6.11, 10.5.18, 10.4.27, 10.3.37
  • ⬆️ Varnish 6.0.11
  • 🔁 Adminer, webgrind, xhprof rebuilt against updated PHP image
  • 🏔 Base OS Alpine Linux updated to 3.16.3 for some of the images


  • ⬆️ Vanilla WordPress 6.0.3
  • PHP:
    • ⬆️ Updated to 8.1.12, 8.0.25
    • ⬆️ WP CLI updated to 2.7.1
    • 🪦 Blackfire extension dropped
  • ⬆️ Nginx 1.23.2, 1.22.1
  • 🔁 Adminer, webgrind, xhprof rebuilt against updated PHP image


  • ⬆️ PHP 8.1.10, 8.0.23, 7.4.32
  • ⬆️ Redis 7.0.5
  • 🔁 Adminer, webgrind, xhprof rebuilt against updated PHP image


  • ⬆️ XHProf 2.3.7
  • ⬆️ MariaDB 10.7.6, 10.6.10
  • 🐞️ Bugfix: email sending with opensmtpd does not work in EOL PHP images


  • ⬆️ Vanilla WordPress 6.0.2
  • ⬆️ PHP 8.1.10, 8.0.23
  • ⬆️ Memcached 1.6.17
  • ⬆️ XHProf 2.3.6
  • 🔁 Adminer, webgrind rebuilt against updated PHP image


  • ⬆️ MariaDB 10.7.5, 10.6.9, 10.5.17, 10.4.26, 10.3.36
  • 🐞 Missing 7zip package in PHP image that is required in actions
  • 🏔 Alpine Linux updated to 3.16.2 for some of the images


  • ⬆️ WordPress 6.0.1
  • ⬆️ PHP 8.1.9, 8.0.22
  • ⬆️ Nginx 1.23.1
  • ⬆️ Redis 7.0.4
  • ⬆️ Memcached 1.6.16
  • 🔃 Adminer and xhprof images rebuilt against updated base PHP image
  • 🏔 Alpine Linux updated to 3.16.1, 3.16.2

Update instructions

Update your .env file


  • PHP:
  • ⭐️ Added Nginx 1.23, 1.22
  • ⬆️ Redis 7.0.2
  • 🔃 Adminer and xhprof images rebuilt against updated base PHP image
  • 🏔 Alpine Linux updated to 3.16.0 for some of the images


  • ⭐ Vanilla WordPress 6.0
  • PHP:
    • ⬆️ Updated to 8.1.7, 8.0.20, 7.4.30
    • ⭐️ Added smbclient extension
    • ⬆️ Updated sqlsrv extension to 5.10.1
  • MariaDB:
    • ⭐️ Added MariaDB 10.8
    • ⬆️ Updated to 10.7.4, 10.6.8, 10.5.16, 10.4.25, 10.3.35
    • 🪦 MariaDB 10.2 has reached EOL
  • ⭐ Redis 7
  • ⬆️ Apache 2.4.54
  • ⬆️ Webgrind 1.9.2
  • 🔃 Adminer and xhprof images rebuilt against updated base PHP image
  • ⭐ Added redis 6 service
  • 🏔 Alpine Linux updated to 3.16.0 for some of the images


  • PHP:
    • ⬆️ Updated to 8.1.6, 8.0.19
    • ⭐ NewRelic agent now works on ARM64
    • ⬆️ Extensions updates: xdebug 3.1.4, mongo 1.13.0, memcached 3.2.0
  • ⬆️ Redis 6.2.7
  • 📜 MariaDB config: removed deprecated innodb_log_files_in_group and innodb_buffer_pool_instances from 10.5+
  • 🔃 Webgrind, adminer and xhprof images rebuilt against updated base PHP image


  • ℹ️ This update requires server infrastructure at least 5.9.0
  • ⬆️ Vanilla WordPress 5.9.3
  • ⬆️ PHP 8.1.5, 8.0.18, 7.4.29
  • ⬆️ OpenSMTPD 6.8.0
  • 🏔 Alpine Linux updated to 3.15


  • PHP
    • 📦 Added sSMTP package and $SSMTP_ env vars for configuration
    • 🛠 Removed libiconv preload
    • 🐞 Bugfix: mail delivery fails due to non-compliant RFC 2822 error
    • 🐞 Bugfix: mail delivery fails invalid sender address
  • ⬆️ OpenSMTPD 1.11.0
  • ⬆️ Memcached 1.6.15
  • 🏔 Security updates for base OS Alpine Linux


  • ⬆️ Vanilla WordPress 5.9.2
  • PHP
    • ⬆️ Updated to 8.1.4, 8.0.17
    • ⭐️ NewRelic extension added to PHP 8.1
  • 📜 Nginx now has $NGINX_WP_NOT_FOUND_REGEX to override (updated) default not found regex
  • ⬆️ Apache HTTPd 2.4.53
  • 🏔 Patch updates for base OS Alpine Linux
  • 🐞 Bugfix: import action failed for archives with unicode filenames


  • PHP:
    • ⬆️ Updated to 8.1.3, 8.0.16, 7.4.28
    • ⬆️ PECL extensions updates:
      • amqp 1.11.0
      • ast 1.0.1
      • igbinary 3.2.7
      • imagick 3.7.0
      • mongodb 1.12.0
      • pdo_sqlsrv 5.10.0
      • rdkafka 6.0.1
      • redis 5.3.7
      • xdebug 3.1.3
  • 📜 Nginx default header Content-Security-Policy now set to frame-ancestors 'self' by default
  • MariaDB:
    • ⭐️ Added new MariaDB 10.7
    • ⏎ Returned MariaDB 10.2 (dropped by mistake)
    • ⬆️ Updated to 10.6.7, 10.5.15, 10.4.24, 10.3.34, 10.2.43
    • 🚨 Reworked my.cnf configuration
      • lower_case_table_names, join_buffer_size, innodb_open_files no longer set by default unless specified
      • query_cache_size default value changed to 1M
      • query_cache_type now OFF by default
      • flush_log_at_trx_commit default value changed to 1
      • Added new env vars $MYSQL_JOIN_BUFFER_SPACE_LIMIT, $MYSQL_OPTIMIZER_SWITCH (no default values)
  • ⬆️ Webgrind and XHProf rebased to the latest PHP 7.4
  • ⬆️ Memcached 1.6.14


  • ⬆️ Vanilla WordPress 5.9
  • PHP:
    • ⭐️️ Added PHP 8.1
    • ⬆️ Updated to 8.1.2, 8.0.5
    • ⬆️ PECL extensions updates: ds 1.4.0, rdkafka 6.0.0, xdebug 3.1.2 (ds and rdkafka now added to PHP 8.1)
    • ⬆️ WP CLI 2.6.0
    • 🪦 PHP 7.3 dropped (reached end of life)
  • ⬆️ Nginx 1.21.6
  • ⬆️ Memcached 1.6.13
  • ⬆️ Varnish 6.0.10
  • 🐞 Adminer bugfix: prefill server and database from env vars not working anymore


  • ⬆️ Nginx:
    • 📜 Default header Content-Security-Policy can now be changed with $NGINX_HEADERS_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY
    • 📜 webp added to the default list of static file extensions
  • ⬆️ Apache 2.4.52


  • ⬆️ PHP 8.1.1, 8.0.14, 7.4.27
  • Nginx:
    • 🐞 Bugfix: default headers do not apply with disabled caching
    • 📜 Added default Content-Security-Policy header (frame-ancestors 'none')
  • 🔃 Adminer rebuilt against updated base PHP image



  • ⬆️ Vanilla WordPress 5.8.2
  • PHP:
  • MariaDB:
    • ⭐️ Added new MariaDB 10.6
    • ⬆️ Updates: 10.5.13, 10.4.22, 10.3.32, 10.2.41
  • ⬆️ Nginx 1.21.4, 1.20.2
  • ⭐️ Adminer rebased to PHP 7.4 and now has linux/arm64 variant



  • ⬆️  Vanilla WordPress 5.8.1
  • PHP:
  • ➕  Added Nginx 1.21
  • ⬆️  Webgrind 1.9.0
  • ⬆️  XHProf 2.3.5


  • PHP:
    • ⬆️  Updated to 8.0.10, 7.4.23, 7.3.30
    • ⬆️  ioncube loader extension added (disabled by default)


  • PHP:
    • ⬆️  Updated to 8.0.9, 7.4.22
    • ⬆️  PECL extensions updates: imagick 3.5.1, apcu 5.1.20
  • ⬆️  MariaDB 10.4.21, 10.3.31
  • ⬆️  XHProf viewer 2.3.4


  • ⬆️  Vanilla WordPress 5.8
  • ⬆️  WP CLI 2.5.0
  • PHP:
  • ⬆️  MariaDB 10.5.11, 10.4.20, 10.3.30, 10.2.39
  • ⬆️  Varnish 6.0.8
  • ⬆️  XHProf viewer 2.3.3
  • 🚨  Due to some images (redis, memcached) are now frozen (wodby actions can be performed on Alpine Linux 3.13 only starting docker 20.10.0+). Starting this release versions in Wodby stacks may slightly differ from ones in docker4x releases.




  • ⬆️  PHP 8.0.6, 7.4.19
  • ⬆️  Apache 2.4.47
  • ⬆️  MariaDB 10.5.10, 10.4.19, 10.3.29, 10.2.38
  • ⬆️  Redis 6.2.3
  • ⬆️  XHProf 2.3.2


  • PHP: -❗️Security updates: 8.0.5, 7.4.18, 7.3.28 -❗️Composer security update 2.0.13
  • ⬆️  Elasticsearch, Kibana 7.12.1
  • ⬆️  XHProf viewer 2.3.1


  • ⬆️  Vanilla WordPress 5.7.1
  • PHP:
  • Nginx:
    • ⭐️  New major version 1.20
    • ⬆️  Updated to 1.19.10
  • ⬆️  Redis 6.2.2
  • ⬆️  Solr 8.8.2
  • XHProf viewer:
    • ⬆️  Updated to 2.3.0
    • 🚨  Env var for output directory renamed from PHP_XHPROF_OUTPUT_DIR to XHPROF_OUTPUT_DIR
  • 📦  Base OS Alpine Linux updated to 3.13.5


  • ⬆️  Vanilla WordPress 5.7
  • ⬆️  PHP 8.0.3, 7.4.16
  • ⬆️  Nginx 1.19.8
  • ⬆️  Redis 6.2.1, 5.0.12


  • Vanilla WordPress 5.6.2
  • MariaDB:
    • ⬆️  Updates: 10.5.9, 10.4.18, 10.3.28, 10.2.37
    • 🚨  RocksDB plugin no longer compiled in
  • ⬆️  Redis 6.2.0, 5.0.11


  • ⬆️  Vanilla WordPress 5.6.1
  • PHP:
    • ⬆️  Updates: 8.0.2, 7.4.15, 7.3.27
    • 🦴  Drush launcher updated to 0.9.0 and now added to PHP 8
    • ⬆️  sqlsrv, pdo_sqlsrv updated to 5.9.0
    • ⭐️  sqlsrv, pdo_sqlsrv, imagick added for PHP 8
  • Nginx:
  • ⬆️  Adminer 4.8.0
  • ⬆️  Base image Alpine Linux updated to 3.13.2 for most of the images
  • 🔃  Webgrind, xhprof viewer rebuilt against updated PHP image



  • Vanilla WordPress:
  • PHP:
    • ⭐️  PHP 8 (not all pecl extensions supported, see for more details)
    • 🗑  PHP 7.2 has reached End of Life
    • ⬆️  Updates 7.4.13, 7.3.25
    • ⬆️  Updated pecl extensions:
      • ast 1.0.10
      • ds 1.3.0
      • event 3.0.2
      • grpc 1.34.0
      • igbinary 3.1.5
      • mcrypt 1.0.4
      • mongodb 1.9.0
      • oauth 2.0.7
      • rdkafka 4.1.1
      • tideways xhprof 5.0.2
      • uploadprogress 1.1.3
      • uuid 1.1.0
      • 😱  xdebug 3.0.1 (new major version, env vars have changed)
      • yaml 2.2.0
  • Nginx:
  • 🐞  MariaDB: sometimes backup errors weren't reported
  • ⬆️  Adminer 4.7.8
  • ⬆️  Xhprof viewer 2.2.3
  • 🔃  Webgrind rebuilt against updated PHP image
  • ⬆️  Base image Alpine Linux updated to 3.12.3
  • 🦴  ImagePullPolicy changed to IfNotPresent


  • ⬆️  Vanilla WordPress 5.5.3
  • PHP:
  • ⬆️  Nginx 1.19.4
  • ⬆️  MariaDB 10.5.8, 10.4.17, 10.3.27, 10.2.36
  • ⬆️  Varnish 6.0.7
  • ⬆️  Memcached 1.6.8
  • ⬆️  AthenaPDF 2.16.0
  • 🔃  Adminer, webgrind, xhprof viewer rebuilt against updated PHP image
  • ⬆️  Base image Alpine Linux updated to 3.12.1


  • PHP 7.4.11, 7.3.23, 7.2.34
  • MariaDB 10.5.6, 10.4.15, 10.3.25, 10.2.34
  • Nginx 1.19.3
  • Adminer, webgrind and xhprof viewer rebuilt against updated PHP image


  • Vanilla WordPress 5.5.1
  • Nginx now supports /wp-sitemap.xml endpoint
  • PHP:
  • MariaDB 10.5
  • Redis 6.0.8
  • Memcached 1.6.7
  • Adminer, xhprof, webgrind rebuilt against updated PHP image


  • Vanilla WordPress 5.5
  • PHP 7.4.9, 7.3.21, 7.2.33
  • Apache 2.4.46
  • Nginx 1.19.2
  • MariaDB 10.4.14, 10.3.24, 10.2.33, 10.1.46
  • Redis 6.0.6
  • Adminer, webgrind and xhprof viewer rebuilt against updated PHP image



  • Vanilla WordPress 5.4.2
  • PHP updates: 7.4.7, 7.3.19, 7.2.31
  • Nginx:
    • New versions added: 1.19 and 1.18
    • Bugfix: some hidden files/directories were accessible
  • MariaDB 10.1.45, 10.2.32, 10.3.23, 10.4.13
  • Apache: access to all hidden files except .well-known is now forbidden
  • Adminer 4.7.7
  • Memcached 1.6.6
  • Redis 6.0.5
  • Base OS Alpine Linux updated to 3.12.0 for most of the images
  • Adminer, webgrind rebuilt against updated PHP image


  • Vanilla WordPress 5.4.1
  • PHP security updates: 7.4.5, 7.3.17, 7.2.30
  • Nginx:
    • Updated to 1.17.10
    • Access to /wp-content/uploads/woocommerce_uploads is now forbidden
  • Redis:
    • Added redis 6
    • Updated to 5.0.9
    • Redis 4 now marked as EOL
  • Solr 8.5.1, 7.7.3
  • Memcached 1.6.5
  • XHProf viewer 2.2.0
  • Base OS Alpine Linux updated to 3.11.6
  • Adminer, webgrind rebuilt against updated PHP image


  • Vanilla WordPress 5.4
  • PHP:
    • Updated to 7.4.4, 7.3.16, 7.2.29
    • Updated extension: xdebug 2.9.4, rdkafka 4.0.3
    • Blackfire added to PHP 7.4
    • mcrypt PECL extension added to PHP 7.3, 7.4
    • Added libxml2
    • Added yarn to -dev versions of image
  • Nginx:
  • Apache HTTPd:
  • MariaDB:
    • Updated to 10.4.12, 10.3.22, 10.2.31, 10.1.44
    • mysql_upgrade now runs with --upgrade-system-tables and --verbose flags (run during stack upgrades)
    • mysqlcheck now runs with --verbose flag (run with every deployment)
  • Solr 8.5.0
  • Varnish 6.0.6
  • Webgrind 1.7.0
  • Adminer 4.7.6
  • Memcached 1.6.3
  • Redis 5.0.8
  • Adminer, webgrind, xhprof viewer rebuilt against updated base PHP image
  • Images' base OS (Alpine Linux) updated to 3.11


  • Vanilla WordPress 5.3.1
  • PHP:
  • Added PHP 7.4
  • Updated extension: ast 1.0.5, xdebug 2.8.0, mcrypt 1.0.3, oauth 2.0.4
  • Added Kerberos and SSL support for IMAP extension
  • MariaDB 10.4.11, 10.3.21, 10.2.30
  • Nginx:
  • /.well-known URIs excluded from denied hidden files location instead of explicitly allowed
  • Locations wodby.yml and Makefile are now forbidden
  • Apache hidden files, directories, wodby.yml, Makefile and certain extension are now forbidden
  • XHProf viewer updated to 2.1.3 (updated PECL extension)
  • Bugfix: broken webgrind image tag
  • Adminer, webgrind and xhprof rebuilt against updated PHP image


  • Vanilla WordPress 5.3
  • WP CLI 2.4.0
  • PHP 7.3.12, 7.2.25
  • Nginx:
  • MariaDB 10.4.10, 10.3.20, 10.2.29, 10.1.43
  • Added liveness checks for Varnish, Nginx and Apache
  • Improved performance for Apache and Nginx readiness checks
  • Memcached 1.5.20
  • Adminer 4.7.5
  • Redis 5.0.7
  • Adminer, xhprof, webgrind rebased to PHP 7.2


  • Vanilla WordPress 5.2.4
  • PHP:
  • ❗️Security updates: 7.1.33, 7.2.24, 7.3.11
  • Updated PECL extensions: mongodb 1.6.0, grpc 1.23.1, apcu 5.1.18, memcached 3.1.4
  • Nginx:
  • Updated to 1.17.5
  • Added brotli compression extension (enabled by default in addition to gzip)
  • Varnish:
  • Varnish updated to 6.0.5
  • Varnish modules now installed from branch 6.0
  • Adminer 4.7.4
  • Alpine Linux updated to 3.10.3 for most images
  • XHProf viewer, adminer, webgrind rebuilt against latest PHP image


  • PHP:
  • Updated to 7.3.10, 7.2.23
  • WP CLI 2.3.0
  • Nginx 1.17.4
  • MariaDB 10.4.8, 10.3.18, 10.2.27
  • Memcached 1.5.19
  • Redis 3.1.3
  • Webgrind, adminer and xhprof viewer rebuilt against latest PHP image


  • Vanilla WordPress updated to 5.2.3
  • PHP:
    • Security updates: 7.3.9, 7.2.22, 7.1.32
    • New Relic extension log level set to warning by default
  • Varnish security update 6.0.4
  • Nginx 1.17.3, 1.16.1
  • Apache 2.4.41
  • Memcached 1.5.17
  • Adminer 4.7.3


  • PHP:
    • ❗️Security updates: 7.3.8, 7.2.21, 7.1.31
    • Updated PECL extensions: rdkafka 3.1.2, mongo 1.5.5
    • NewRelic extension:
    • Bugfix: crond service missed preloaded iconv library
  • MariaDB:
  • Nginx:
  • Solr:
    • Updated to 8.2.0
    • We now run upgrade action that removes default core if it has a broken config set (so it can be automatically recreated). NOT applicable to EOL versions (6.4, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4).
  • Adminer, Webgrind, Xhprof viewer rebuilt against the updated base image
  • Alpine Linux updated to 3.10 for Varnish, OpenSMTPD and MariaDB (except 10.1)


  • Vanilla WordPress updated to 5.2.2
  • PHP:
    • Bugfix updates to 7.3.7, 7.2.20
    • Event extension updated to 2.5.3
  • MariaDB:
  • Varnish:
    • webp added to the list of default static file extensions
    • PageSpeed downstream caching:
      • PS-CapabilityList now set to "fully general optimizations only" only if static files cache enabled
      • Bugfix: caching for text/html was disabled
  • Nginx:
  • Webgrind updated to 1.6.1
  • Adminer updated to 4.7.2
  • Adminer, Webgrind, Xhprof viewer rebuilt against the updated base image
  • Alpine Linux (base OS) updated to 3.10.1 for most of the images


  • Vanilla WordPress updated to 5.2.1
  • PHP:
    • ❗️Security updates: 7.3.6, 7.2.19, 7.1.30
    • Updated extensions:
      • ast 1.0.1
      • ds 1.2.9
      • event 2.5.1
      • grpc 1.20.0
      • igbinary 3.0.1
      • redis 4.3.0
      • tideways xhprof 5.0-beta3
  • Nginx: added new version 1.17
  • MariaDB:
  • Updated to 10.3.15
  • log_warnings now configurable, set to 2 by default for all versions
  • Varnish now supports modpagespeed downstream caching
  • Memcached updated to 1.5.16
  • Redis updated to 5.0.5
  • Adminer, Webgrind, Xhprof viewer rebuilt against updated base image


  • Vanilla WordPress updated to 5.2
  • PHP:
    • ❗️Security updates: 7.3.5, 7.2.18, 7.1.29
    • Packages updates: imagemagick (PHP 7.x only), libpng 1.6.37, libxslt 1.1.33
    • Extensions update: event 2.5.0, xdebug 2.7.2, imagick 3.4.4, rdkafka 3.1.0
  • Nginx:
  • Varnish: added strict rule to avoid infinite loop in some cases
  • MariaDB updates: 10.2.24, 10.1.40
  • Memcached updated to 1.5.14
  • Alpine Linux updated to 3.9.4 (only for images based on 3.9)


Bugfix: composer install/update executed from post-deployment scripts may sometimes stuck.


  • PHP:
  • ❗️Security updates: 7.3.4, 7.2.17, 7.1.28
  • Xdebug extension updated to 2.7.1
  • Nginx:
  • Updated to 1.15.11
  • Default static files expiration increased to 1 year
  • MariaDB updated to 10.3.14
  • ❗️Apache security update: 2.4.39
  • Alpine Linux updated to 3.9.3 for PHP (except 5.x), Varnish, MariaDB (except 10.1), Redis, Memcached, OpenSMTPD
  • Webgrind, Xhprof viewer and admirer rebuilt against updated PHP image


  • Vanilla WordPress updated to 5.1.1
  • PHP:
  • Nginx:
  • MariaDB updated to 10.2.23
  • Redis updates: 5.0.4, 4.0.14
  • Varnish bugfix: GeoIP did not work (now uses X-Real-IP header instead of X-Forwarded-For)
  • XHProf, Webgrind, Adminer rebuilt against the latest PHP image
  • Apache base image changed from wodby/httpd to httpd
  • Alpine upgraded to 3.9.2 for all alpine-based updated images


  • Vanilla WordPress updated to 5.1
  • WP CLI updated to 2.1.0
  • PHP:
  • Rebased to Alpine 3.9: runtime packages updated, switched from LibreSSL to OpenSSL 1.1
  • PHP updates: 7.3.2, 7.2.15
  • Introduced additional env vars for NewRelic runtime configuration: $PHP_NEWRELIC_BROWSER_MONITORING_AUTO_INSTRUMENT, $PHP_NEWRELIC_GUZZLE_ENABLED
  • WebP support added to gd (PHP 7.x only)
  • MariaDB client updated to 10.3.13/10.2.22
  • Extensions update: igbinary 3.0.0, apcu 5.1.17
  • Bugfix: $PATH was missing in SSH environment variables
  • $SSHD_PERMIT_USER_ENV default values changed to yes
  • Nginx:
  • Patch update: 1.15.9
  • .map added to the list of default static files extensions ($NGINX_STATIC_EXT_REGEX)
  • Bugfix: $NGINX_LOG_FORMAT_OVERRIDE had no effect
  • Varnish:
  • Patch updates: 4.1.11, 6.0.3
  • Bugfix: cookie always stripped for static files requests
  • MariaDB:
  • Patch updates: 10.3.13, 10.2.22, 10.1.38
  • MariaDB 10.2, 10.3 rebased to Alpine 3.9 and OpenSSL 1.1
  • innodb_force_recovery and innodb_purge_threads are now configurable via env vars
  • Added mysql-check orchestration action and now run with every MariaDB deployment to detect potential issues
  • mod_include added to Apache
  • Adminer updated to 4.7.1
  • Redis updated to 4.0.13
  • XHProf, Webgrind, Adminer rebuilt against the latest PHP image


Bugfix: varnish stripped known cookie preventing user login



Changes since 5.3.4

Update instructions

  • If you used deprecated environment variables in Varnish updated them to the new version
  • If you used Nginx pagespeed module, add $NGINX_PAGESPEED_ENABLED=1, if you had $NGINX_PAGESPEED=on you can delete it since it's on by default


  • Bugfix: Nginx did not convert deprecated environment variables to new


  • Added new profiler service xhprof viewer for analysis and graphical review of xhprof traces
  • Added Redis 5
  • PHP:
    • ❗️imagick extension has been temporary disabled due to stability issues with ImageMagick library
    • Patch updates: 7.2.12, 7.1.24
    • Added event extension
    • You can now disable extensions via $PHP_EXTENSIONS_DISABLE (separated by comma)
    • Extensions updates: igbinary 2.0.8, ast 1.0.0, grpc 1.16.0
    • session.save_path now set to /mnt/files/sessions by default for persistent sessions
    • ImageMagick downgraded to with enabled openmp
    • Bugfix: tideways xhprof extension could not be enabled
  • Nginx:
    • Patch updates: 1.15.6, 1.14.1
    • Nginx now uses real IP set from Edge
    • Bugfix: it was not possible to access *.txt files from uploads directory
    • Bugfix: default security headers were missing
  • Memcached patch update 1.5.12
  • MariaDB 10.0 innodb_default_row_format now set to dynamic by default
  • Webgrind and Adminer rebuilt against the latest PHP image
  • Apache patch update 2.4.37
  • MariaDB patch update 10.1.17


  • PHP:
  • Nginx:
  • Node:
    • Minor updates: 10.12, 8.12
    • Directory /usr/src/app/node_modules/.bin added to $PATH
  • MariaDB patch update 10.3.10
  • Adminer:
    • Bugfix: some $PHP_ env vars were ignored
    • Default memory limit set to 512M
  • Adminer and Webgrind rebuilt against the latest PHP image



  • PHP:
    • Rebased to Alpine 3.8 with updated runtime libraries
    • ❗️PHP 7.0 will no longer be maintained (see why?)
    • Argon2 password hash supported added to PHP 7.2
    • MongoDB extension updated to 1.5.3
    • WP CLI updated to 2.0.1
    • Bugfix: segfault in PHP's mail function when sent to multiple recipients (busybox bug)
    • Bugfix: xhprof tideways extension enabled twice
  • MariaDB:
    • Patch update: 10.2.18
    • Improved performance for backup orchestration action
  • Apache:
    • Patch update: 2.4.35
    • Option Indexes now disabled by default, can be enabled via $APACHE_INDEXES_ENABLED
  • Adminer:
    • Added the default list of plugins, enabled via $ADMINER_PLUGINS
    • You can now change Adminer design via $ADMINER_DESIGN z
    • Updated to the latest stable PHP image
  • Nginx patch update: 1.15.4
  • Varnish: has_js cookie no longer stripped
  • Webgrind image updated to the latest stable PHP image

Upgrade instructions

  • Switch your application's PHP service implementation from 7.0 to 7.1


  • PHP:
    • Libraries update: ImageMagick, FreeType 2.9.1
    • OpenMP disabled in ImageMagick due to stability issues
    • Bugfix: xhprof (tideways) extension could not be enabled


  • PHP
    • ❗️Security updates: 7.2.10, 7.1.22, 7.0.32, 5.6.38
    • Added $PHP_PHAR_ env vars for Phar runtime configuration
    • Updated PHP extensions:
      • patch: apcu 5.1.12, ds 1.2.6, igbinary 2.0.7, xdebug 2.6.0
      • minor: mongodb 1.5.2, grpc 1.15.0
      • major: redis 4.1.1


  • Nginx:
    • New 50x error page, use $NGINX_ERROR_MESSAGE_50x to add a custom message
    • Env vars $NGINX_ERROR_PAGE_40x replaced to $NGINX_ERROR_40x_URI


  • PHP extension XHProf (tideways) updated to 5.0-beta2
  • Nginx:
    • Nginx no longer hides 50x errors by default on non-prod instances
    • Setting $NGINX_VHOST_PRESET to empty value now disables usage of any presets
    • New $NGINX_VHOST_NO_DEFAULTS to disable default rules for virtual host
    • New default 50x error page, new $NGINX_ERROR_MESSAGE_50x to add a message on this page
  • MariaDB patch update: 10.1.36
  • Solr patch update: 6.6.5
  • Varnish bugfix: flush action from dashboard failed
  • Adminer and Webgrind rebased to the latest stable php image


Do not add trailing slashes for non-directory requests



  • Vanilla WordPress core updated to 4.9.8
  • PHP:
    • Patch updates: 7.2.9, 7.1.21, 7.0.31, 5.6.37
    • /var/www/html/vendor/bin added to $PATH
    • WP CLI upgraded to 2.0.0 and now freezed
    • Added bash completion for WP CLI
    • Added rdkafka extension
    • Added ~/.bash_profile for wodby user
    • PostgreSQL lib updated to 10.5
    • Bugfix: PHP 5.6 missed GMP library
    • Bugfix: incorrect owner on wodby's ~/.shrc, ~/.bashrc
    • Bugfix: entrypoint fails when command executed with --[flag]
    • Libraries and extensions versions moved out from env vars
  • Nginx:
    • Image wodby/wordpress-nginx has been replaced with wodby/nginx with $NGINX_VHOST_PRESET=wordpress
    • Nginx updated to 1.15.3
    • Rebased to Alpine Linux 3.8
    • New env vars $NGINX_ERROR_PAGE_ to customize 403/404 pages location
    • Extended list of static files extensions
    • New env vars NGINX_STATIC_ to control settings for handling static content
    • New env var NGINX_ALLOW_ACCESS_HIDDEN_FILES to control access to files starting with a dot
    • Added pseudo-streaming server-side for .flv, .mp4, .mov, .m4a files
    • Env vars $NGINX_STATIC_MP4_ for mp4 streaming configuration
    • Updated default values for open_file_cache settings
    • Default expires for static content set to 7d by default
    • Bugfix: overriding log format via $NGINX_LOG_FORMAT_OVERRIDE produced an error
  • Apache:
    • Image wodby/php-apache has been replaced with wodby/apache with $APACHE_VHOST_PRESET=php
    • Env var $APACHE_SERVER_ROOT renamed to $APACHE_DOCUMENT_ROOT (old name still supported)
    • MPM modules are now shared and can be changed (event is still the default)
  • MariaDB:
    • MariaDB patch updates: 10.3.9, 10.2.17, 10.1.35
    • Image rebased to Alpine Linux 3.8
    • Backup action performance improvement: no intermediate file created
    • ionice no longer used in orchestration actions
    • Bugfix: triggers duplicated during db dump
    • Bugfix: no privileges before import could cause failure
  • Varnish:
    • Image wodby/wordpress-varnish now replaced with wodby/varnish and $VARNISH_CONFIG_PRESET=wordpress
    • External purge now always restricted by purge key
    • Unrestricted purge from the internal network can be optionally enabled (enabled by default)
    • Cache for mobile devices can now be separated or disabled entirely
    • Big files (by default >10M) won't be cached by default
    • Static files cache disabled by default for all presets
    • All varnish-related headers now start with X-VC-, e.g. X-Varnish-Cache is now X-VC-Cache
    • Secondary storage can now be defined for all presets
    • List of static files extensions expanded
    • Analytics/marketing cookies and query params stripped, configurable
    • New env vars to optionally preserve all cookies and query params
    • Query params can be ignored to cache URLs as a single object
    • Purge method now can be changed to regex and exact (respects query params)
    • Hashes and trailing ? stripped from URL before passing to a backend
    • All AJAX requests not cached
    • Error pages 404 and >500 not cached with a configurable grace period
    • Env vars changed for presets (old => new), old variant still supported: VARNISH_ADMIN_SUBDOMAIN => VARNISH_WP_ADMIN_SUBDOMAIN"
    • Friendly varnish error message by default
  • Memcached returned as cache storage service option
  • OpenSMTPD patch update: 6.0.3

Upgrade instructions

  • Nginx: if you overridden a virtual host config (via $NGINX_CONF_INCLUDE) you'll have to update it from the original /etc/nginx/conf.d/vhost.conf and re-apply your changes again



  • Vanilla WordPress core updated to 4.9.6
  • PHP
    • Added php tidy extension
    • Added tideways xhprof extension (disabled by default)
    • auto_prepend_file and auto_append_file are now configurable
    • Updated PHP extensions: GRPC 1.12.0, igbinary 2.0.6, mongodb 1.4.4
  • MariaDB:
    • New version 10.3 added (10.3.7)
    • MariaDB updates: 10.2.15, 10.1.34
    • optimizer_prune_level and optimizer_search_depth are now configurable
    • ⭐️ Default innodb_buffer_pool_size set to 128M that should significantly decrease memory usage by MariaDB container
    • Default innodb_buffer_pool_instances set to 1
  • Nginx:
    • Added new Nginx 1.15
    • ⭐️ Added mog_pagespeed module. Disabled by default, to enable add NGINX_PAGESPEED=on to nginx service
    • Added new modules:
  • Varnish
    • Environment variable VARNISHD_STORAGE_SIZE has been dropped, we no longer add a predefined secondary storage. You can now add your custom secondary storage via VARNISHD_SECONDARY_STORAGE
    • Unrestricted purge is now allowed in internal network (from containers within the same instance)
  • Webgrind: error reporting now exludes strict and deprecated errors, rebased to latest PHP 7.1 image

Upgrade instructions

  • ❗Make sure the new default size of innodb_buffer_pool_instances (128M) is enough for your project, see MariaDB stack documentation to learn how to calculate the optimal size of innodb_buffer_pool_size for your application


  • PHP:
    • Security update: 7.2.5, 7.1.17, 7.0.30, 5.6.36
    • New php extensions added: GMP and igbinary
    • APCu extension updated to 5.0.11 for PHP 7.x
    • APCu serialized is now configurable with $PHP_APCU_SERIALIZER
    • Shell prompt in PHP containers now shows current user, application name and instance name
    • Added new helper script files_chown
    • Bugfix: iconv implementation missing wodby/php#25
  • Varnish purge via HTTP is now unrestricted with a purge key, see updated docs
  • Added Nginx 1.14, patch update for 1.13
  • Nginx's underscores_in_headers is now configurable via $NGINX_UNDERSCORES_IN_HEADERS


  • PHP log errors max length set to unlimited
  • Bugfix: PHP errors didn't show up in the container output
  • Bugfix: APACHE_LIMITED_ACCESS support from 5.0.6 release was missing


  • Vanilla WordPress updated to 4.9.5 (security and maintenance release)


  • PHP 5.6 version returned



  • Apache:
    • Updated to 2.4.33 (security update)
    • New environment variable APACHE_LIMITED_ACCESS to remove Require all granted when you need to limit access by IP


  • Nginx updated to 1.13.10
  • PHP extension grpc updated to 1.10.0
  • Added environment variables for PHP session runtime configuration
  • Improved error reporting and progress messages for public files directory init
  • Bugfix: apache settings file didn't include when virtual host config overridden with APACHE_INCLUDE_CONF


  • Bugfix: vanilla WordPress didn't work with PHP 7.2
  • Bugfix: wp-admin/ with apache redirected to homepage
  • Bugfix: some caching plugins didn't work because of unsufficient permissions
  • Added APACHE_INCLUDE_CONF to override apache config
  • Database service is now optional in case you want to have a stand-alone DB server
  • Redis service is not included by default


  • Cron now runs from www-data user instead of wodby
  • files_chmod script now sets permissions with execution allowed only for directories


  • Bugfix: translation update fail due to insufficient permissions


  • PHP updated to 7.2.3, 7.1.15, 7.0.28 (security updates)
  • Bugfix: insufficient permissions for plugins update
  • Bugfix: missing ~/.ssh directory for www-data user required by some plugins



  • All containers now have resources request as listed here in Resources column, in addition, crond has CPU limit
  • PHP:
    • Container default user has been changed to wodby (uid/gid 1000), see for more details
    • PHP updated to 7.2.2, 7.1.14, 7.0.27 (security updates)
    • Rebased to Alpine Linux 3.7
    • Now when your upgrade stack with a new version of vanilla WordPress, your source code will be updated
    • You can monitor PHP with NewRelic APM
    • allow_url_fopen and default_socket_timeout is now configurable
    • New php extensions added: newrelic, grpc, ds
    • Deprecated environment variables dropped (listed in 4.1.0 changes)
    • Added postgresql client bins (pg_dump, pg_restore, ...)
    • Added redis-cli
    • Updated php extensions: amqp 1.9.3, redis 3.1.6, mongodb 1.4.0, apcu 5.1.10
    • Environment variable WODBY_DIR_FILES replaced to FILES_DIR
    • Bugfix: cache clearing from dashboard didn't work for subdirectories
  • MariaDB:
    • Updated to 10.1.31, 10.2.12
    • Rebased to Alpine Linux 3.7
  • Nginx:
    • Updated to 1.13.9
    • Rebased to Alpine Linux 3.7
  • Redis:
    • Updated to 4.0.8
    • Bugfix: redis 4 init could not disable THP on some servers
  • OpenSMTPD:
    • Improved health check now runs smtp command
    • Messages queue is now persistent
  • Varnish:
    • The following environment variables changed names (old version no longer supported), DEPRECATED > NEW:
    • Changed default values:
      VARNISHD_PARAM_THREAD_POOL_MAX from 1000 to 5000
    • Added additional env vars that control varnishd params (
  • Bugfix: auth issue in Apache (

Upgrade instructions

  • Make sure you don't use any of deprecated environment variables in PHP (listed in 4.1.0 changes) and Varnish (listed above) otherwise update their names
  • If you used WODBY_DIR_FILES in your code replace it with FILES_DIR
  • Make sure the default cron container 512M RAM limit is enough for your cron jobs, otherwise increase it manually from service configuration page


  • Restored MariaDB 10.1 innodb_large_prefix setting (enabled by default) removed in 4.4.0



  • PHP:
    • New PHP 7.2
    • PHP updated to 7.1.12, 7.0.26
    • PHP extensions updated: memcached 3.0.4, ast 0.1.6
    • Added packages: tig, nano, tmux, less, libjpeg-turbo-utils
    • PHPunit deleted from image to avoid composer conflicts
    • Env vars naming fixes (old names still supported), old > new:
    • New -dev image tags (replacing -debug) for CI/CD (TBA)
    • Env var WODBY_HOST_PRIMARY value now contains host (instead of URL) as it should, WODBY_URL_PRIMARY has been added for the URL value. See environment variables section
    • Improved validation and error reporting for duplicator import
    • Git email and name now can be configured via environment variables
  • Nginx:
    • Nginx updated to 1.13.7, 1.12.2
    • Fixed broken health check
    • New env var NGINX_NO_DEFAULT_HEADERS to hide default headers
    • We now show request real IP in access logs
  • MariaDB:
    • New MariaDB 10.2.11
    • MariaDB updated to 10.1.29
    • Shutdown grace period increased to 5 minutes
    • Deployment strategy no longer can be changed
    • Optimized default config (my.cnf) values
    • New environment variables to configure recovery options
    • Default user/group in a container now mysql
    • Backup action now runs with nice and ionice to prioritize CPU and I/O time for this process
    • Improved error reporting during import
  • Redis:
    • Redis updated to 3.2.11, 4.0.2
    • Fixed init failure when there's no /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
  • Global environment variables changes:
    • $WODBY_APP_NAME no longer contains instance machine name, only application machine name
    • $WODBY_ENVIRONMENT_ variables have been deprecated and replaced with $WODBY_INSTANCE_
    • New variables $WODBY_INSTANCE_UUID and $WODBY_APP_UUID
  • Varnish updated to 4.1.9
  • Apache updated to 2.4.29
  • Vanilla WordPress updated to 4.9.1
  • Health checks timeout increased to 30 seconds for all services
  • OpenSMTPD now supports relay auth without password
  • Files backup and mirroring actions now run with nice and ionice to prioritize CPU and I/O time for this process

Upgrade instructions

  • If you used $WODBY_APP_NAME update your code accordingly to the new value (machine name of the app)
  • If you used $WODBY_HOST_PRIMARY (now contains host instead of URL) before you should replace it to $WODBY_URL_PRIMARY
  • Upgrade downtime ~5 minutes



  • All-new revamped containers consistent with docker4wordpress
  • Improved performance of containers (especially I/O)
  • Revamped orchestration with better logging and performance
  • Optional services now can be enabled/disabled on the working app
  • Services configuration via environment variables from the dashboard
  • This stack is now suited for container-based cluster
  • Log streaming is now available
  • Detailed log output for orchestration tasks
  • New services: apache, webgrind, blackfire, rsyslog, athenapdf

There's no backward compatibility with stacks 3.x