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Solr for Drupal stack documentation

The only difference from the generic Solr stack is that core created with a config set from Search API Solr module by default.

See generic Solr stack documentation to learn how to create and customize cores.


Read generic Solr authentication


If you want to switch to Solr Cloud in an existing application you must first delete your Search API servers via Drupal UI and unload Solr cores via Solr Admin UI before enabling zookeeper.

This approach allows uploading actual Search Api Solr config sets directly from Drupal Admin UI to zookeeper. With this approach you use collections instead of cores. We automatically pre-create a collection named default that uses a built-in _default config set that you will override. You can also manually create collections via Solr Admin UI.

  • Make sure both solr and zookeeper services enabled
  • Make sure your Drupal site already installed
  • Download Search API Solr: composer require drupal/search_api_solr
  • Enable Search API Solr Admin module: drush en search_api_solr_admin
  • Go to Home » Administration » Configuration » Search and metadata » Search API and create a new server of type Solr Cloud with Basic Auth with the following settings:
    HTTP protocol: http
    Solr host: solr
    Solr port: 8983
    Solr path: /
    Default Solr collection: default [or the one you manually created] 
    Username: solr
    Password: [see below] 
  • HTTP basic auth password for Solr Cloud generated randomly and can be found in "App instance > Stack > Solr". If you're deploying Solr as a part of Drupal stack and your Search API server named solr the password will be set automatically (via wodby.settings.php), so you can leave it blank. Or specify it manually in the UI
  • After the server creation you should see the error message You are using an incompatible Solr schema.
  • Now click + Upload confiset, check the checkbox on the page, set # of shards to 1, and submit
  • The Solr server is now ready to use!

Old approach

Drupal 8/9

Make sure Solr you've deployed has a compatible default config set version (e.g. search_api_solr 4 or search_api_solr-8.x-3.9), if not – change the implementation to the appropriate (implementation differs in a Solr version and a default config set). Please note, if you change the implementation you'll have to recreate cores to change their config set because the existing cores will still use the same config set. You can find the list of supported config sets in here.

Install Search API Solr module. Go to Home » Administration » Configuration » Search and metadata » Search API, create a new core or edit the default one. In expanded CONFIGURE SOLR BACKEND field set specify:

HTTP protocol: http
Solr host: solr
Solr port: 8983
Solr path: [LEAVE IT BLANK]
Solr core: [NAME OF YOUR CORE (usually "default")]

If your Solr config set version is older than search_api_solr 8.x-3.0 you should specify /solr as a solr path.

If you're connecting externally to the solr server you can use a technical domain as your host and port 80 (exposed via edge). If you're connecting from the same server but a different application you can use Internal hostname that can be found on App instance > Stack > [Solr Service] page.

Drupal 7

Install Search API Solr module. Go to Configuration » Search and metadata » Search API and select Service class to "Solr service". In expanded settings field set specify:

HTTP protocol: http
Solr host: solr
Solr port: 8983
Solr path: /solr/[NAME OF YOUR CORE]

Different hostname for stand-alone stacks

If you use a stand-alone Solr for Drupal stack for Solr host use Internal hostname from [Instance] > Stack > Search Engine page in case Drupal and Solr stacks deployed on the same server.


This changelog is for Solr for Drupal stack on Wodby, to see image changes see tags description on repository page.


🐞 Bugfix: zookeeper data was not persistent



🚨️️ Zookeeper's snapshots are now persistent. If you're using Solr Cloud this means that with this upgrade zookeeper will reboot and lose all its data (collections will be lost). After this stack upgrade you should add any env var to Solr service to force its reboot to reinitialize connection to zookeeper. After this stack upgrade, zookeeper will no longer lose data after container/server reboots


⬆️ Solr 8.11.2


  • 🚨 Solr in Solr Cloud mode now generates a random password, you should update it. You can find password on "Instance > Stack > Solr" page. Read more about authentication here
  • 🔒 Solr running in Solr Cloud mode now forbids unauthorized access to all pages in admin UI


  • ℹ️ This update requires server infrastructure at least 5.9.0
  • 🪦 Solr 7.5, 7.6 will no longer get updates (update to 7.7)
  • 🏔 Alpine Linux updated to 3.15


  • ⭐️ Added Zookeeper service, you can now upload Search API Solr config sets via admin UI, see instructions
  • ⭐️ Added Solr Cloud support for Solr


⬆️ Solr 8.11.1


  • 🚨 Fix for CVE-2021-44228
  • 🥶 Base image (wodby/base-solr) rebased to wodby/openjdk with frozen Alpine 3.13
  • 📜 Default config set for Solr 8 has been updated to search_api_solr_4.2.3 (from 4.1.6), please note you have to recreate your solr cores to update their config set


⬆️ Solr 8.11.0


⬆️ Solr 8.10.1


⬆️  Solr 8.10.0


  • ⬆️  Solr rebuilt for new config sets
  • ⬆️  Base image Alpine Linux updated to 3.13.5


⬆️  Solr 8.8.2


⬆️  Solr 8.8.1


⬆️  Solr 8.8.0


  • ⬆️  Base image Alpine Linux updated to 3.12.3
  • 🦴  ImagePullPolicy changed to IfNotPresent


Solr 8.7.0


Solr now supports Search API Solr jump start configsets


Solr 8.6.2


Solr 8.6.0


  • Bugfix: invalid Solr image for Drupal 9 Solr 8
  • Added Solr 8 variant with search_api_solr_4.0 default config set


  • Updated to 8.5.2
  • Added new config set search_api_solr_4.0


Solr 8.5.1, 7.7.3


  • Solr 8.5.0
  • Added search_api_solr 3.9 config sets


Solr 8.3.1


Solr 8.3.0


Alpine Linux updated to 3.10.2 for Solr images


  • Solr updated to 8.2.0
  • We now run upgrade action that removes default core if it has a broken config set (so it can be automatically recreated). NOT applicable to EOL versions (6.4, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4)



  • Solr updated to 6.6.6
  • Alpine Linux updated to 3.9.4


Alpine Linux updated to 3.9.3


  • Versions 5.4, 6.4, 7.1-7.4 no longer supported (marked as EOL)
  • Versions 7.6, 7.7 added (and 5.5 for Drupal 7)
  • Added new search_api_solr config sets (Drupal 8 default config set updated to 8.x-2.7)
  • Bugfix: attachments indexation did not work in Drupal 7


  • Added version 7.5
  • Add Solr 6/7 variants for Drupal 7
  • search_api_solr version used for config sets now shown in titles and have been updated:
    • Drupal 7: 7.x-1.14
    • Drupal 8: 8.x-1.2 for Solr 5, 8.x-2.1 for others


Solr patch update: 6.6.5


  • Image wodby/drupal-solr now replaced with wodby/solr and $SOLR_DEFAULT_CONFIG_SET, see versions matrix
  • New Solr versions added: 7.4, 7.3
  • Dropped versions 6.3, 6.5, 7.0
  • Config sets and solr.xml now symlinked to volume, existing cores won't be affected
  • Core directory get deleted when you delete a core via orchestration actions
  • Bugfix: duplicated configsets/configsets directory


  • New 7.2 version added
  • Patch update: 6.6.3
  • Solr 7.x config sources updated to search_api_solr 8.x-2.0-alpha3



  • New Solr versions 7.0.1 and 7.1.0 have been added with a config set from search_api_solr 8.x-2.0-alpha2
  • Solr versions updated and freezed: 6.6.2, 6.5.1, 6.4.2, 6.3.0, 5.5.5, 5.4.1
  • Config set source search_api_solr updated to 8.x-1.2
  • We now create a default solr core named default automatically if no cores found
  • Health check timeouts increased to 30 seconds


  • Solr: fixed persistent data paths configuration


  • Solr: new versions 6.6 and 6.5 for Drupal 8
  • Solr: search_api_solr version updated from to 8.x-1.0 (default solr configs used from this module)
  • Solr versions are now frozen


Initial release