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Connecting EC2 node

Currently, we don't have a native integration with AWS. But you still can connect your server by following these steps:

  1. Learn requirements and recommendations

  2. Login to your AWS Console

  3. Choose EC2 (Virtual Servers in the Cloud)

  4. Choose Instances > Click "Launch Instance"

  5. Choose an image (AMI) from the list of supported OS

  6. Choose an instance type. Do not use t2 (burstable performance) instances unless you know what you're doing

  7. Go to 4. Add Storage (vertical tabs) and set Size (GiB) to at least 20

  8. Go to 6. Configure Security Group. Besides the default SSH rule (port 22), add the following rules: HTTP, HTTPS and custom TCP rule with the range 31222-32222 as shown below:

  1. Click Review and Launch

  2. Now it's all set on AWS side. Now connect the server (Servers > Connect > AWS) and follow the instructions

Sending emails via Simple Email Service (SES)

You can send emails from your applications via SES by configuring mail transfer agent OpenSMTPD:

  1. Make sure your application stack has enabled OpenSMTPD service
  2. Verify your domain or email address you will use to send emails from. AWS will not send emails from unverified sender
  3. Obtain your SMTP credentials
  4. Obtain SMTP Server Name from your AWS console. Open "SES > Email Sending > SMTP Setting"
  5. Add the following environment variables to OpenSMTPD service (replace [Tokens] with your values):
    RELAY_HOST=[Server Name]
    RELAY_USER=[SMTP Username]
  6. Send a test email from OpenSMTPD container

Backups mirroring to Simple Safe Storage (S3)

For stacks providing backups orchestration you can set up backups mirroring to your own AWS S3 bucket. Enable backups mirroring from Instance > Backups > Mirroing page and specify AWS credentials:

  • AWS Access Key Id
  • AWS Secret Access Key
  • Bucket name
  • Bucket region