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Service is a basic unit of managed infrastructure. Services are versioned entities and have revisions. For each new update a service revision will be issued.

Services can be added only by importing a template from a git repository.

When a service added to a stack we call it a stack service, and it can be additionally customized for a specific stack.



Services can inherit from other services. Inheritance is a way to extend a service with additional configuration. For example, you can create a new service that inherits from the php service and add additional environment variables or links to it.


Derivatives are services that created from other services. For example, ssh server service added as a derivative to PHP-FPM.


Options usually used to represent service versions, e.g. Nginx has two options: 1.23 and 1.22. A service can have multiple options, specify one of them as default and add to some of them End of Life (EOL) date.




Every service has a type. Type defines the behavior of a service and how it managed. There are several types of services:

  • service stateless (e.g. Nginx) or a stateful (e.g. OpenSMTPD) service. Can be scalable
  • db database servers, stateful services
  • infrastructure used in infrastructure applications, currently, can be added only by Wodby.
  • storage used for distributed storage services, e.g. NFS or Rook
  • datastore memory storages like Redis and Memcached, stateful services
  • search stateful services, search engines like Elasticsearch and Solr Cloud.
  • ssh SSH server, usually used as derivative services

